1. Title and Scope of Publication

* = field is required

2. First Author - Name & Affiliations

3. Authors and collaborators - Name & Qualifications

Please specify all collaborators, also from other relevant working groups/institutes and – if applicable - external collaborators.

4. Publication Overview

5. Upload pre-final manuscript


Download SOP manual for Data Access and Publication Requests

(v4.0 - PDF - 1.1 MB)
Last updated: 28-FEB-2022

Data Access & Publication Requests

To submit your data access request or publication request, use one of the relevant forms:

Reminders on writing your manuscript:

  • Please include appropriate statements on Ethical approval, methodology and funding sources – see appendix 5 of the SOP manual for Data Access and Publication Requests
  • Remember to state your version used of the dataset extracted from Neurobot – see the User Manual in Neurobot and appendix 4 of the SOP manual for data access and publication requests
  • Remember to include a (sub)group designation in the author list as "and the CENTER-TBI participants and Investigators".
  • Remember to complete the checklist and send this together with your pre-final version of your manuscript to the Management